I offer many services to help your small business grow including website/webpage design, email marketing, social media management, webinars, summits and administrative services!  

How can I help you grow your business?

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Website Design

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opt-In Pages

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Email Marketing

webinars and summits

Webinars and Summits

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Social Media​​

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Sales Page Design

project mgmt icon

Project/Task Management

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profile pic

About Suzy's Virtual Services



I’m a Certified Virtual Assistant.  

I started Suzy’s Virtual Services after realizing my true passion is helping clients tackle their online needs!

I am certified in many virtual services including web development, landing page design (such as sales pages/opt-in pages), webinar and summit management, email marketing, and social media marketing.  See my resume and certifications page for more details.

My virtual services allow me to support small businesses remotely! I would LOVE to be your virtual assistant to allow you TIME to focus on sharing your passion with your clients!  I’m ready to get started, are you?